We have all heard about unusual marriage proposals, but this one takes the (carrot) cake.
At the weekend Pang Kun and 48 of his friends took to the streets of Qingdao in east China's Shangong province dressed as carrots and he proposed to his girlfriend, Zhang Xinyu, who was out on a shopping trip.
The wacky Chinese man danced away in a square in the suit, which was orange - his girlfriend's favourite colour - and when he finally did get down on bended knee, she gladly accepted his proposal.
Saturday August 6 was the Chinese version of Valentine's Day, and so Pang put some special thought and attention in to planning the proposal.
In all, the idea took three weeks to perfect and execute, and cost him over £9,300.
Pang, who had installed a microphone into his costume, began jigging and then caused shoppers - including his girlfriend - to become bemused by recounting the couple's first date, six months previous.
'Six months ago I met you,' he said as he danced. 'I still remember your shyness on our first date, my longing for the next date, and my excitement the first time I held your hand at the movie theatre.'
And when he began peeling off his costume the crowd chanted to his girlfriend 'marry him, marry him', which she promised to do so.
His proposal has led him to become an Internet sensation, and online users have nicknamed him 'carrot boy', which has temporarily become one of the most searched terms in China.
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