Finally I am back at my desk after a long summer holiday spent on the Balearic Island of Mallorca. We had a fabulous trip spending time making memories with our three precious children. Relaxing it certainly was not! Enjoyable it was! They went to bed only when we did and woke when we did too, so 24/7 in each other's company....hard work but so very rewarding. Also as I celebrated my 40th (sssh! don't tell anyone) two weeks ago I thought being in the sunshine would make it more bearable than the rain!
Yesterday my little boy Sebastian started school, was he excited? He barely slept in anticipation of what lay ahead. All I know is he made a volcano out of sand and ate fish fingers, so by his standard's this school is a dream!
After dropping Seb off, my first full day back to work was spent in Harrogate at the British Bridal Exhibition, wow what an awesome venue and the standard of exhibitors was exceptionally high. Both the Designer and the Bridal fashion shows were breathtaking and inspiring. The new collections were stunning and I don't envy any brides trying to choose a dress, the choice is amazing!
I was lucky to share my day with some fantastic people in the wedding industry, I met too many to mention on the various catwalks, stands and even in Costa Coffee (Hi Joanne and Sue from Amore in Rugby!)...but hi guys and girls, you know who you are!
A special mention must go to my friend and wedding expert Rachel Southwood of Wedding Ideas Magazine, and her colleague Rachel Moschke who is the editor of Wedding Ideas. We spent hours admiring the wares, chatting with fellow professionals and gossiping in the press office! These girls are true professionals in front of the lens too! We were there with Wedding TV filming the event....Simon Withington the Executive Producer is not only very talented and good at what he does but also very quick witted! Olga and Jack also from Wedding TV were super quick and totally professional at getting the job done under pressure. Sorry I wasn't able to join you all at the ball, but next year I shall be there.
So if you are still waiting for an email from me, I promise to get one to you soon. Only about 4200 emails to go through still. Off to the Theatre tonight to see Good Mourning Mrs Brown...and no it's not about me!
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