In Sept 2008 I wrote a blog posting about "suspicious" emails that we receive almost daily, the response both via the blog and direct emails has been incredible. I have decided to repost my original article and hope you will continue to comment and add to it. I shall add to it the latest emails I have received this week. The new scam appears not just to target wedding planners, but all wedding service providers and even interior designers. Please forward this new post to everyone in your address book and let's hope we can stop anyone from losing money! Thanks for your support. To read the original post and comments please click here. Or paste the following into your browser (content is pasted below):
In addition to brides and grooms, I know a lot of wedding planners and service providers log on to the Weddings Abroad Blog. Today, I'd like to take a moment to warn them to be on their guard for email scams targeting wedding planners. There isn't a week goes by that I don't receive at least three of these emails.
This current scheme has been going on for the past year that I know of, and basically involves sending in a credit card payment or a cashiers check for an amount greater than what you've billed them, they then ask you to transfer the remaining funds elsewhere. The cashiers check clears into your account quickly, you transfer them the money, and weeks later your bank realises the check was a fraud and deducts the amount from your account.
Below is an email received yesterday, as usual it immediately raised my suspicion. Basically a groom or bride-to-be contacts you from somewhere in Europe or the USA saying that they need help planning their wedding from afar. See more details of the scam and a copy of a similar initial email wedding planners were sent last year here. The minor details (name/date/location) change, but otherwise, everyone is receiving similar emails.
As an International Wedding Planner, I am asked everyday to provide information on planning a wedding when overseas, but I am now an expert at ascertaining the genuine ones....others may not be so lucky, there are many new wedding planners joining our industry all the time, and may not be aware of this scam yet.
Here is the email I received:
My Name is Mr Cross James Allen,
I am looking for an experienced wedding planner who will handle my wedding and arrange the reception dinner for a group of people who will be attending the wedding ceremony.
The wedding is expected to hold on the 4th of Febuary 2009 and 25 to 40 guests are expected to attend. As i do not know what the guests might choose for their meals and drinks, i will make a prepayment as initial deposit for this booking via credit card once availability is confirmed by you.All checks and balances will be made with you on 13rd October which is the final day of the booking, You are to arrange for a a venue for the wedding (its a christian wedding), a place for the reception ,Videography, Music Entertainment,Photography,cake and flowers.
If there is any these items that is beyond your capability,you let us know so that another company can handle it. Get back to me with your response as we don't have much time with us so that we can process our accommodation within the region more convenient for you and us.
Pleas get back to me via my personal email which is jcrossalen@rocketmail.com
Best Regards,
Mr Cross James Allen
If this blog entry helps one person then it's served it's purpose....especially in the current economic climate we can do without giving away money and wasting our valuable time! If you have received similar emails lately please feel free to add them to the comments of this thread to make everyone aware.

UPDATED 29/07/2009 - Please read the comments attached to this post to see updates on other current email addresses being used on this and various other "scams"......
Latest email addresses to be cautious of:
Received this week: Sent from lasoreservationagencies@gmail.com
Email content:
I'm looking for an experienced wedding planner or coordinator that can
handle my wedding as i have promised my fiancee that it will be a
memorable one and i have budgeted $30,000 for the wedding so, What can
your establishment offer with regards to the request above?
I would like to know what is required cost implication and any other
thing that will be require for a successful wedding for the month of
October 10th 2009 is the date for the wedding.
Kindly get back with your budget via this email
(atkins111@yahoo.com)with details.
Best Regards,
Paul Atkinson
Another one
Sent from: gibsonwhyte1999@gmail.com
I am Gibson Whyte, from London England . I am writing to get
information on wedding/reception venues and also so in need of the
services of a wedding planner.
Vivian and I are planning to have a wedding in October 2009 (any date
in will be fine) and will require more information on this as we plan
also to have the wedding in your region. We are looking for a venue
and planner to help us plan our wedding/reception. 40 to 50 guests are
expected to attend. Please advise on weather conditions and the
possibilities of rain.
Please note that you (wedding planner) are to arrange for a food,
Videography, Music Entertainment, Photography, Officiant, cake and
flowers.Please do confirm this date and get back to me.
Thanks for your anticipated response
Best regards,
Dr. Gibson
And yet another...
Sent from: benjaminspencer300@gmail.com
My name is Spencer Benjamin. I am looking for an experienced wedding planner who will handle my wedding and arrange dinner for a group of people who will be attending the wedding ceremony.Seven will arrive few days before the wedding day. The wedding is expected to hold on the 11th October,2009 and 35 to 50 guests are expected to attend. As i do not know what the guests might choose for their meals and drinks, i will make a prepayment as initial deposit for this booking via credit card once availability is confirmed by you.All checks and balances will be made with you on 11th October which is the final day of the booking, You are to arrange for a Videography,Music Entertainment,Photography,Officiant/Priest & Church,cake,flowers and hall. If there is any these items that is beyond your capability,you let us know so that another company can handle it.
Get back to me with your response as we don't have much time with us so that we can process our accommodation within the region more convenient for you and us.
Please kindly kindly send the reply to my personal email: bspencer100@yahoo.co.uk
Best Regards
Benjamin Spencer
18 Brunswick Sq.
Broad Street
C7 7HW
Phone: 701-112-1989
Sent from: bob.robinson00@gmail.com
Greetings to you.my name is Bob Robinson from United kingdom, I am looking for a professional wedding coordinator who can plan and handle my wedding ceremony/Arrangements for me.I need to know what you can offer? I have a budget of ( 40,000 British Pounds Sterling).This amount includes funds for every arrangement that we might approve for you to provide for us.
The wedding will be taking place within the 3rd week of September 2009, 19th of September to be precise.and we are expecting a total of 72 guests which includes 7 VIP's and the bridesmaid.
Kindly get back to me if you are interested by a return mail via this email or call
for more details.
Best regards,
Bob Robinson
9 Wimpole Street , London . W1G 9SR UK
Ph: +44-703-590-5301, +44-703-590-5234
Received today from: frank.paker104@googlemail.com
I am Frank Paker, from London England. I am writing to get information
on wedding/reception venues and also so in need of the services of a
wedding planner.
Nelly and I are planning to have a wedding in October 2009 (any date in
October will be fine) and will require more information on this as we
plan also to have the wedding in your region. We are looking for a
venue and planner to help us plan our wedding/reception.
40 to 50 guests are expected to attend. Please advise on weather
conditions and the possibilities of rain.
Please note that you (wedding planner) is to arrange for a food,
Videography, Music Entertainment, Photography, Officiant, cake and
flowers, decoration etc.
Please do confirm this date and get back to me.
Thanks for your anticipated response
Best regards,
Frank Paker.
Today's latest scam email from: giljay101@gmail.com
My Names are Miss Gil Jacqueline
I want a capable hand whom can organize my wedding
and prepare dinner for the members of my quest.i would be coming with
Seven my friends at your confirmation of this booking,others will
arrive few days before the wedding
The wedding is expected to hold on the 12th September,2009
The totl quest to attend my wedding are 20 people from UK and 10
people from the State. . As i do not know what the guests might
choose for their meals and drinks, i will make a prepayment as initial
deposit for this booking via my credit card once availability is confirmed by
you.All checks and balances will be made with you on 11th September which is
the final day of the booking, You are to arrange for a Videography,Music
Entertainment,Photography,Officiant/Priest & Church,cake,flowers and
hall.If there is any these items that is beyond your capability,you let us
know so that another company can handle it. Get back to me with your
as we don't have much time with us so that we can process our
accommodation within the locality more convenient for you and us.
You will have to contact me on {+447024030670}
Miss Gil Jacqueline
231,Cardiff Road.
East bridge corner
C7 7HW
Phone: 77024030670
Today's latest scam alert from: davidwaltermail@ymail.com
My Name is David Walter i need an experienced wedding planner who will handle my wedding and arrange the reception dinner for a group of people who will be attending the wedding ceremony.
The wedding is expected to hold on the 3rd of October 2009 and 50 to 70 guests are expected to attend. As i do not know what the guests might choose for their meals and drinks, i will make a prepayment as initial deposit for this booking via credit card once availability is confirmed by you.All checks and balances will be made with you on 3rd of September which is the final day of the booking, You are to arrange for a a venue for the wedding a place for the reception ,Videography, Music Entertainment,Photography,cake and flowers.
If there is any these items that is beyond your capability, you let us know so that another company can handle it. Get back to me with your response as we don't have much time with us so that we can process our accommodation within the region more convenient for you and us.
Pleas get back to me via my personal email which is davidwaltermail@ymail.com
Best Regards,
David Walter
Second email of the day from: owen.fletcher107@gmail.com
I am Owen Fletcher, from London England. I am writing to get information
on wedding/reception venues and also so in need of the services of a
wedding planner.
Mary and I are planning to have a wedding in October 2009 (any date in
October will be fine) and will require more information on this as we
plan also to have the wedding in your region. We are looking for a
venue and planner to help us plan our wedding/reception.
40 to 50 guests are expected to attend. Please advise on weather
conditions and the possibilities of rain.
Please note that you (wedding planner) is to arrange for a food,
Videography, Music Entertainment, Photography, Officiant, cake and
flowers, decoration etc.
Please do confirm this date and get back to me.
Thanks for your anticipated response
Best regards,
Owen Fletcher.
Another email from: mahonebrian23@gmail.com
This time pretending to be an event planner himself!
I am Brian Mahone, an event planner. I wish to hire your services for
a wedding anniversary of my client on 28th November 2009. A total of
90 guest in attendance. It will involve a three (3) course menu buffet
and the refreshment serving, no religion or diet restriction event.
The wedding anniversary will start by 8.00pm till midnight.
Get back to me with the following:
A Detailed proposition you wish to offer.
Estimated amount required to hold the reservation.
Detailed calculated and total amount.
The type of credit card you accept.
Your Contact Address and Phone number.
N:B-there is no budget estimate for the event. Also note that the
exact location is yet uncertain but be rest assured that it did take
place in your city.
Thank you,
Mobile:- +44(0)7035922766
Fax:- +44(0)7005-961-680
Today's scam alert from:
I'm looking for an experienced wedding planner or coordinator that can handle my wedding as i have promised my fiancee that it will be a memorable one and i have budgeted $25,000 for the wedding so, What can your establishment offer with regards to the request above?
I would like to know what is required cost implication and any other thing that will be require for a successful wedding for the month of October 10th 2009 is the date for the wedding.
Kindly get back with your budget via this email (atkins111@yahoo.com)with details.
Best Regards,
Paul Atkinson
Hi Karen, I've also had a couple of these this week - namely from 'David Walter' & 'Paul Atkinson' Thought it was a bit dodgy - especially having a budget in dollars and a UK mobile number!!
Today's latest "scammer" email from :
Greetings to you.my name is Bob Robinson from United kingdom, I am looking for a professional wedding coordinator who can plan and handle my wedding ceremony/Arrangements for me.I need to know what you can offer? I have a budget of ( 40,000 British Pounds Sterling).
This amount includes funds for every arrangement that we might approve for you to provide for us.
The wedding will be taking place within the 3rd week of November 2009, 21st of November to be precise.and we are expecting a total of 72 guests which includes 7 VIP's and the bridesmaid.
Kindly get back to me if you are interested by a return mail via this email or call for more details.
Best regards,
Bob Robinson
9 Wimpole Street , London . W1G 9SR UK
Ph: +44-703-590-5301, +44-703-590-5234
Email from: arnoldclem31@gmail.com
I am looking for an experienced wedding planner who will handle my
wedding and arrange dinner for a group of people who will be attending
the wedding ceremony.Seven will arrive few days before the wedding
day. The wedding is expected to hold on the 20th October,2009 and 50
to 60 guests are expected to attend. As i do not know what the guests
might choose for their meals and drinks, i will make a prepayment as
initial deposit for this booking via credit card once availability is
confirmed by you.All checks and balances will be made with you on 11th
October which is the final day of the booking, You are to arrange for
a Videography,Music Entertainment,Photography,
Officiant/Priest &
Church,cake,flowers and hall. If there is any these items that is
beyond your capability,you let us know so that another company can
handle it.
Get back to me with your response as we don't have much time with us
so that we can process our accommodation within the region more
convenient for you and us.
Arnold Clem
Email from: buchana009@gmail.com
I am looking for an experienced wedding planner who will handle my
wedding and arrange dinner for a group of people who will be attending
the wedding ceremony.Seven will arrive few days before the wedding
day. The wedding is expected to hold on the 24th October,2009 and 50
to 60 guests are expected to attend. As i do not know what the guests
might choose for their meals and drinks, i will make a prepayment as
initial deposit for this booking via credit card once availability is
confirmed by you.All checks and balances will be made with you on 24th
October which is the final day of the booking, You are to arrange for
a Videography,Music Entertainment,Photography,Officiant/Priest &
Church,cake,flowers and hall. If there is any these items that is
beyond your capability,you let us know so that another company can
handle it.
Get back to me with your response as we don't have much time with us
so that we can process our accommodation within the region more
convenient for you and us.
Bill Buchana
Today's latest "scam" email from:
My name is Dr. Smith Fred, i am a medical consultant by profession. Presently i am in Manchester. My lovely daughter found
her heartthrob early last year and they are going to wed by 27th September 2009. For the love i have for my daughter, i decided
to carter for the wedding as a surprise package for her and her fiance.
Please i want you to handle the wedding arrangements on their behalf as my would-be in law is a citizen of your country and
as a result he wants the wedding in his country. Please get back to me with any of the services which you can provide as
regards the wedding arrangement of my daughter.
- Wedding Gown for bride
- Gowns for Bride's maids
- Vehicles
- Tuxedo Suits for the groom and best man
- Shoes and accessories for both the bride and the groom
- location for the wedding and reception.
- lodging for the guests for an estimate of twelve people (27 till 29) september
- number of room is twelve rooms.
- Wedding cakes and decorations
Wedding Budget is at the range of ($50,000.00) for now. It could be reviewed to be increased or reduced latter depending on
the outcome of the arrangements process unfold Please do let me have the details and your deposit so that i can forward my
credit card details and all i should know so we can make about the services you can provide as regards the arrangement.
Estimates and calculations should be based on the quoted budget.
Do get back to me asap through my email: smith.freddan1@yahoo.gr
Best regards
Dr.Smith Fred
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